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  3. Lemon Ginger Tea Cake


Happy, healthy, and 100% scrumptious cake.

Serves8-10 People
Makes In2 hours


Twinings Lemon & Ginger Teabags
200mlBoiling Water
200gOat Flour
150gGround Almonds
4 tbspFlaxseed
45gCoconut Oil
40g Coconut Sugar
6 tbspHoney
1 tspGround Ginger
1Lemon, Juice & Zest
1/2 tspBaking Powder


  • Infuse 3 Twinings lemon & ginger teabags in boiling water for at least 10 minutes then leave the water to cool for an hour.
  • Pre-heat the oven to 150 degrees celsius.
  • Mix the flaxseed with 8 tbsp water and leave to thicken up for a few minutes.
  • Cream together the coconut oil and coconut sugar in a food processor.
  • Combine the oat flour, ground almonds and ground ginger in a mixing bowl.
  • Add the tea infused water to the bowl gradually, stirring as you do so.
  • Then add the thickened flaxseed mixture, the creamed coconut oil and coconut sugar, the juice & zest of the lemon, the honey and baking powder. Mix well.
  • Grease a loaf tin with coconut oil and pour the cake mixture into it.
  • Place into the oven and bake for 30 minutes.
  • After 30 minutes remove the cake from the oven and oven with tin foil, then place back into the oven for a further 15 minutes.
  • Leave to cool for around 20 minutes before removing from the tin, cutting and digging in.