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  • The Sleep Census by Twinings

Ahead of World Sleep Month in March, we've launched the Twinings Sleep Census, designed to uncover the nation's sleep habits.

We Are a Nation of Sleepyheads

We’re just not getting enough sleep… (over 25 million of us, to be exact) - with a quarter getting five or less hours sleep a night, compared to the optimal seven to eight.


Stay up too late watching films or TV


Are feeling stressed about finances


Are worrying about work


Regularly go to sleep and wake up at different times

As a result of this, just 9% of us enjoy regular undisturbed slumber, with 91% experiencing prolonged wake-ups regularly - and it’s impacting our relationships, confidence and productivity.

Almost a third of us have experienced a lack productivity and over a fifth (22%) have fallen out with friends or partners because of sleep deprivation.

Over a fifth of people (21%) noted how sleep deprivation makes them questions their appearance, abilities or decision making.

Top Sleep Tips

Keep Your Bedtime Routine, Routine.

Reduce mental and emotional stimulation by switching off digital devices at least an hour before you go to bed. It also helps to try and sleep in the same place and avoid drifting off elsewhere before bedtime. Our brains are hardwired to like routine and if you repeat a few simple steps each night your brain will start to associate that with bedtime.

Maintain a Regular Sleep Cycle in the Week

It's no secret that irregular sleep patterns can lead to poor quality sleep. 12% of us aren’t keeping an eye on the time, which is resulting in later bedtimes. Try setting a 'go to bed alarm’ each day to help keep your sleep on track, and aim to keep wake up times within 30 minutes every day to regulate patterns. At the weekend, look to wake up no later than 1 hour later than you would in the week - you can always take a 20-minute power nap in the day, if needed.

Put Your Night Time Worries to Bed

Stress is inevitable - but try journalling to help identify what you can and can't control. If financial worries are keeping you awake, try labelling your thoughts by giving them a nickname like "Money" - and every time it crops up, compartmentalise it into a mental filing system to avoid getting into a continuous loop of worry.

Try Body Scan Meditation

If you wake up in the night for a prolonged period, try and stay in bed. You can practice a simple meditation by accepting you are awake and mindfully focusing your attention on where the body connects with the bed.

Embrace the Five Bedroom Essentials

  • Dark Room

    Darkening down helps to inform the body clock that the day is over - so ensure you have a dark bedroom and try wearing an eye mask if your room is still bright.
  • Noise

    Reduce noise by soundproofing your bedroom with lots of soft furnishings such as rugs, heavy curtains and drapes on the walls that will help absorb any unwanted sound.
  • Temperature

    Your room should be a cool 16-17 degrees. Switch out your duvet in favour of thinner, multiple layers that make it easier to control your body temperature.
  • Comfort

    Comfort is essential, so choose a mattress and pillow combination that are the ideal firmness, size and material for you.
  • Air Quality

    Improve your bedroom air quality by growing naturally detoxifying plants such as aloe vera. You should also try to keep windows open or turn on a fan to improve ventilation and keep the air flowing.

* Research of 2,000 UK adults (nationally representative) conducted by One Poll between 17th to 20th January 2023

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