Going Caffeine Free
It’s time to say goodbye to caffeine. Find out how to cut caffeine from your diet and the best ways to boost your energy levels the natural way.
There are times in life when caffeine just won’t do, but compromising on flavour and taste is not an option. Our decaffeinated tea is brilliant if you want to enjoy a delicious cup of your favourite tea but without the caffeine. Go, decaf.

So, are you ready for the next step? We weren’t sure to be honest, and when you hear what it is you might not be either.
Caffeine. Yes, the big one.
If you’re like us, then a large dose of the wonder stuff is how we function in the morning, and the idea of giving it up can be a little scary. But, it might just be one of the last steps to even energy levels and better sleep.
So with this little gem in mind, we have decided to boldly go where no (sane) man has gone before.
Join us for a little look at how and why we should all give a caffeine-free lifestyle a try.

Can’t Talk Now, Buzzing.
Can’t stop moving now I just have too much energy to function. Yes, that is what your brain does on caffeine, and we're going to guess that you’ve had caffeine brain just like us. You know; jittery, restless, slightly wired.
Okay, so this is usually when you’ve overdone it a little, but think about that on a low level for a long time. For example, if you were to drink caffeinated drinks every day. That’s got to be tiring, right?
And the effects of caffeine taken on a regular basis can range from nervousness and sleeplessness all the way to muscle twitching.
So if you’d rather not twitch your way through the next episode of Great British Bake Off then maybe it’s time to swap your caffeine for something a little more soothing, and find a new ways to boost your energy levels when you need that little pick me up.
Not So Fast
Taking the plunge with us? Great, we knew you would (and quite frankly we need the support)! But hold on a minute, don’t rush this.
Depending on how much caffeine you drink on a daily basis, you can actually suffer from withdrawal symptoms if you stop too quickly; these can include headaches, insomnia and irritability.
If you don’t want to suffer the consequences, we recommend cutting down slowly rather than stopping all at once.
That way the negative effects will be lessened and the change will be less abrupt, which means it will probably be easier to retain long term.

Colour Your Day - Naturally Caffeine Free With No Added Sugar
Try Our Amazing Herbal Teas & Infusions

Do you think my colleagues will judge me if I sleep quietly at my desk and don’t bother anybody with trifling things like work?
We’ve all felt like that and, let’s face it, energy is half the reason we drink caffeine in the first place. However, never fear - we have ideas upon ideas here at Twinings and we’ve got a few excellent decaffeinated energy boosters you are going to love.
More Tea Vicar
We’re not biased, honest! Okay, so we are a bit biased, but this is good advice none the less. If your biggest caffeine fix comes from coffee then switch to tea. A cup of black tea still contains caffeine but much less than a cup of coffee, and you can still enjoy your caffeine burst in the morning.

Not only this, but a switch to tea is a great way to cut down until you go completely caffeine free, at which point you can switch to something like rooibos, if you like the black tea taste without the caffeine, or a herbal or fruit alternative if you want something a little different. If caffeinated soft drinks are your weakness, why don’t you try iced tea and or for something a little sweeter? Turn a fruit or herbal tea into a cool and refreshing drink with fresh fruit and a handful of ice. You know it makes sense!
40mg of caffeine in 100ml of filter coffee vs 20mg of caffeine in a 100ml of brewed tea. Source: FDA

The Grain, the Whole Grain, and Nothing but the Grain
Wheeee……bang……wheee…..bang….wheeeee….bang. If this is the sound of your energy levels during the day, even after giving up caffeine, then it is time to make friends with some grains.
Whole grains to be precise. These guys will sort you out!
Have a good serving of whole grain for breakfast and this will help sustain your energy without the roller-coaster. Yes, we know, roller-coasters are fun, until you are stuck on one, every day. Just imagine that!
And if you just can't bear to give up that morning cup of tea, why not try our decaffeinated Earl Grey or decaffeinated English Breakfast.
Step Into the Light
If you are an office worker, it can feel very much like you live in a darkened cave for half of the year. We sympathise, and this is why you need to get out more.
Try stepping out at lunchtime; not only will the natural daylight stimulate your circadian rhythm and wake you up, but you will probably find that the extra movement won’t hurt either.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Not only this, but a switch to tea is a great way to cut down until you go completely caffeine free, at which point you can switch to something like rooibos, if you like the black tea taste without the caffeine, or a herbal or fruit alternative if you want something a little different. If caffeinated soft drinks are your weakness, why don’t you try iced tea and or for something a little sweeter? Turn a fruit or herbal tea into a cool and refreshing drink with fresh fruit and a handful of ice. You know it makes sense.

We Love the Smell of Peppermint in the Morning
Lemons, oranges, peppermints… you know that zingy flavour? Well if it tastes that way then it smells that way too, and it’s strange what aromas can do for you, particularly where your energy is concerned.
Citrus or mint scents can give you quite a boost, so keep some essential oils by your desk at work or just indulge in a delicious peppermint tea, the choice is yours.