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Cool Moments Lollies

Cool Moments Ice Lollies

Beat the heat with our peach tea flavoured ice lollies, for the ultimate in summer refreshment.

Made using our Menopause Cool Moments blend, with sage. honeybush and lemon balm, add slices of fruit for a thirst-quenching frozen treat.

  • Serves 6
  • Makes In 10 mins - freeze for 8 hours or overnight
  • Difficulty Easy
  • Dietary DF V


4 · Twinings Menopause Cool Moments Tea Bags

500ml · Freshly Boiled Water

Peach Slices or Frozen Berries


1. Pop the kettle on and brew four Superblends Menopause Cool Moments Envelopes in 500ml water.

2. Leave to brew for three minutes and let it cool.

3. Pour into ice lolly moulds and add a peach slice or frozen berries to each lolly mould before adding the lolly stick.

4. Put in the freezer to set for at least eight hours or preferably overnight.