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Winter Bean Stew

Winter Bean Stew

A nourishing vegan bean stew that’s warming, inviting and packed full of goodness.

Makes In45 mins


1Red onion
2Garlic cloves
600mlVegetable stock
1Sweet potato
1 tspPaprika
1 tinChopped tomatoes
1 tinButter beans
1 tinCanelleni beans
1 tinChickpeas


  • Lightly fry the onions and garlic in a splash of oil on a medium heat.
  • Add the paprika and stir until everything is a golden yellow colour.
  • Add the vegetable stock and chopped sweet potato.
  • Allow to simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  • Add the chopped tomatoes, and then add the chickpeas, butterbeans and cannellini beans. Stir and gently simmer for another 10 minutes.
  • Finally, add the cavolo nero and the tender stem broccoli and let these stew until lightly wilted.

Serve with chunky bread, naan or ciabatta.

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